CRCST practice

  • Our questions database was updated, April 4, 2024, mostly using inputs from past exam takers.
  • CONTACT: if you should have any questions.
  • Questions are updated based on recommendations and input from test takers and new updates from IFU. After all, what is the point of adding so many questions that will not help you to pass the exams. This means that we are being strategic. Plus, we take advice from those who have already passed or failed the exam.
  • We are confident our questions will help you pass the exam .
  • Our website was built for students who are looking for practice questions to assess their readiness for the HSPA formerly IAHCSMM Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST) exam. We have free CRCST practice exam questions, free CRCST review notes as well as paid practice questions for CRCST test. Become a certified sterile technician in the shortest possible time and in the smartest way. Do not waste your precious time scouring the web for outdated and irrelevant questions. What sets our practice questions apart from our competitors is that our questions are heavily focused on the topics you must cover and understand in order to pass the CRCST exam. Our subject matter experts developed the practice test platform with the 80-20% rule in mind, so you will spend less time studying but be more productive with a  very high chance of passing the exam on your first try.

The questions on certification exams gets updated every now and then due to changing technologies and regulations. Ensure you are  using updated questions to prepare for the exam .

To see the free questions:

  1. Register
  2. Go to your account
  3. Click on the ‘sample practice questions’ to try 10 free practice questions

The answer explanations to our practice questions have been crafted by experts to help you remember the key topics you need to understand in order to pass the exam. Do not forget to click on the “Details” link on the Answer Analysis page for a detail explanation to the answer choice and for other pertinent notes.

Once you log in, click on My Account tab at the top right corner  of the home page to access  the free features on our website like “Free Test” and Sample Review notes.

The questions in our database are randomized so every attempt at the test will present a different set of questions. students taking  the SPD technician certification exam have found our questions very helpful. Both IAHCSMM and CBSPD administer sterile processing exam that earns you a  certificate that is acceptable in all hospitals.

    • CRCST review practice questions have been strategically put together to help you pass on your first attempt.
    • CRCST review notes focuses on the areas test takers wished they knew before going in for the actual exam.
    • We believe many of the students landed on our website by word of mouth from those who have already taken the exam

We will like to hear your comments after you take the CRCST exam. Do not hesitate to email us to tell us how we can do better.

The Number of questions on the HSPA formerly IAHCSMM CRCST certification exam is 150.
Time allowed for IAHCSMM CRCST test is 180 minutes, which is equal to 1 minute and 12 seconds per question
The passing score is 70% grade average

Can you take the CRCST exam before you’ve completed your 400 hours of hands-on experience?

Absolutely. You will be awarded a provisional certificate valid for six months after passing the exam.
You must however submit documentation of hands-on experience within this six months
The hands-on experience could be on a paid or voluntary basis
So the answer is YES! You can take the exam before your hands-on training.

Are you aware that if you fail the CRCST exam, you will have to wait a minimum  for six weeks before you can retest?
Let’s help you pass the HSPA formerly IAHCSMM CRCST exam on your first attempt and starting working without waiting to retest.

TIP: WE encourage you to read our free notes on “WHAT IS BOWIE DICK TEST” . We hope it will help you ace any question on the exam about Bowie Dick.

Our review notes is a must-read if you want to pass the CRCST exam with ease. Remember the 80-20% rule.
Top students identify the 20% of concepts they need to learn studiously, in order to achieve 80% of their final grade. They focus intently on those few things, and simply ignore the rest. Do not overwhelm yourself unnecessarily , study smart !

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